Monaco History
Track Info Season 2001-2002 Season 2001-2002
Race 13 Race 5
Track No. 1 G 1 G 1
1 Darth Vader 1 1 1 Billy the Skid 6 6
Layout No variations 2 Richard Dastardley 6 3 2 White Burp 4 7
3 Big Bertha 9 4 3 Hannibal Vectra 5 2
Length 166 sq's. (middle lane) 4 Johnny Teardrop 3 6 4 Darth Vader 3 1
5 Vanilla Batcave 5 9 5 Big Bertha 2 4
Corners Stops Number 6 Darth Maul 4 8 6 Jack the Gripper 8 3
1 7 7 Jack the Gripper 10 5 7 Juicy Judy 1 5
2 2 8 Hannibal Vectra 7 7 DNF Darth Maul 7 DNF
3 1 DNF Muttley 2 2
Total 10 DNF Juicy Judy 8 DNF
Weather Rain 1-7
Changeable 8-12
Sunshine 13-20 Weather: Rain Weather: Sunshine all race
Race Details Race Details
Track Plan